Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time Goes By Too Fast!

Hey! How is everything going back home? This week has been pretty decent, We have taught some great lessons (mostly to less actives) We have a few really solid Investigators, but half of them weren't home for whatever reason, but I felt the spirit very strongly in our lessons. On Saturday Feb, 19, I finished the Book of Mormon (I wanted to read it cover to cover in one months time, and I DID!) I got on my knees and prayed very hard about the book, and I can't describe the overwhelming feeling I got! The Spirit testifies of Truth!!!!
Lots of walking, and we got 2.5 inches of snow (the flakes were the size of baseballs!) I am loving the area and my companion, I'll be sad to see a change, but knowing this mission and its missionaries, I'll love it there too!
Today's scripture, is a scripture mastery found in the 4th chapter of Mosiah, verse 30.

30 But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your
words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what
ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish.
And now, O man, remember, and perish not.

This scripture has always had kind of a negative connotation to me, but as I was pondering, I decided to take the word NOT in the first line and put it at the end, before the word Perish. It makes it seem a little less intimidating when that is done. My companion and I have recently committed ourselves to be a little more virtuous in our thoughts and words, and it makes all the difference!

I love it here and I love this gospel. It has brought so much joy to my life!

Love Elder N. Bates

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Another Week

This week there isn't much to report on, Elder Schmidt has been having some pretty intense headaches, so I figure I'd send a few pictures, and then a little spirtual thought. So hopefully all of these pictures work! So my spirtual thought this week will be 2 Nephi Chapter 29 http://lds.org/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/29?lang=eng This chapter really jumped out to me, Logically this just makes sense as well. If God really is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever and is a loving God, he will continue to give us his word, and to all of his children. I LOVE IT!! Well, sorry for the shortness of the letter, I love all of you and hope you all a good week.
Love Elder Bates

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Week in Vancouver

Hey!!! How is everyone doing? So last Friday was my 6 month mark, wow, time sure goes fast when you are CTR-ing. The slowest times of my mission were when someone was sick or we got preoccupied with non important things. We got transfer calls yesterday, I am staying 6 more weeks with Elder Schmidt!!! Having a cool companion is always fun. We have actually be on the verge of putting two of our investiators on a baptismal date, but for some reason or another, it is really hard to catch them home these days :( 
My little spiritual thought for today is Mormon Chapter 7 http://lds.org/scriptures/bofm/morm/7?lang=eng. I was reading this in personal study, and I was just thinking what would my final testimony be? Would I have the courage to tell the people that killed our whole nation to repent and be baptized? I know that this gospel is for everyone (I just wish others would see it the same way).
I love you all and am keeping everyone in my prayers
love Elder Bates

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 1, 2011

How's it going? So tomorrow is the first day of the last week of this transfer, man has it ever flew by!!! I am loving life and the opportunity to be companions with my MTC comp Elder Schmidt again (I hope we stay together another transfer!). This is going to sound crazy, but this Friday is both of our 6 month marks! Boy, is it going TOO fast! There isn't a cloud in the sky today, so I hope to get you a few really good pictures of Mount St. Helens! We have been teaching some great lessons to some great people. We are hoping to put one of our investigators on date for baptism this week, so please keep on keeping us in your prayers! My scripture today is Doctrine and Covenants 95:1 http://lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/95?lang=eng I have been thinking a lot about my experiences in my past, and also I remember Dad's first book reffering to this. I love it! Well, I hope I get to hear from you.....
Love Elder Nick

Transfered to VanCouver Washington!

Hi everyone.  Sorry it's taken me so long to put in another post.  I thought I was e-mailing his letters to lots of people, but found out this is something people want to read!  I will be better.  I'm also hoping for some pictures from Elder Nick to add.

Hi Mom, thank you so much for the letter and the $. We had a dinner cancel on us that night,so that came in handy :) So you are in Vegas huh? Did Melissa go to Sacrament meeting? That is really cool that you are able to spend some time with her. Not much new here, we have been working hard and teaching some really good lessons, and my scripture study this last week has gone exceptionally well. Time really is flying by, I felt I was in Goldendale a couple days ago, and it has almost been a month already. The scripture I would like to share with you comes from the little tiny book Words of Mormon verses 7 and 8 on page 144. There is not much more I could add to that, but I know that as a missionary, the Holy Ghost is your biggest allie and friend. I love you and am going to continue praying for you and the family.
love Elder Nick

This letter was from January 25