Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8/23/10 Last day at MTC letter

Hey how is everybody doing?? Well, it's true, I will no longer be composing any mail here at the MTC, because I leave for the Mission Field at 8 AM tomorrow. This week has gone by faster than any week of my life, I cannot tell you how much I love it here, the spirit testifies to me of the truthfulness of this gospel on an hourly basis it seems, I have really loved learning about the Plan of Salvation, and Reading Jesus the Christ (man, has my vocabulary just shot out the roof.) There is a very bittersweet feeling for me today, the friendships I have made are some of the best of my life! There is this Elder in my zone from Heber City, he is one of the happiest, kindest Elders here, and he has made me really consider maybe moving to Heber City when I get home. It would take me the rest of the morning to explain and talk fondly about everyone here that I love. My companion and I committed one of our volunteer investigator to Baptism and going to church with us after the first two lessons, granted it is fake, but it still was amazing! I really don't know what more I can add...um... I eat a bowl of Frosted Flakes with every meal. I'll make sure to start sending some pictures, even though they won't be nearly as cool because none of you know these people. Well, I'll talk to you all later, I get to go to the temple and maybe get in a nap today. MOM, I DIDN'T TELL YOU THIS, BUT I NEED A BLANKET, SHEETS, AND A PILLOW, IS THERE ANY WAY THAT YOU CAN MAKE A QUICK TRIP TO THE MTC TODAY??? Thanks so much!! I love you
    -Elder Bates

Monday, August 16, 2010


Hi Mom and everybody else! What's new? Thanks a million for everyone who sent me something for my birthday, and thanks for keeping me in your prayers! Guess what mom? I got a letter from the Pattersons and they have the same branch presidency as I do when they were in the MTC! Anyway, I had a very good week this last week, I have nearly perfected the first lesson (the restoration) and now I am trying to polish off the second (and longest) lesson (The Plan of Salvation!) this time here is going by a little too quickly, I found out a couple of days ago that I am flying out to the Pasco Airport (news to me that it even existed) next Tuesday, the 24th. I'm not quite sure if I am ready for the field and all of the challenges that comes along with it, but I know that I will be guided by not only the spirit, but my patriarachal blessing says that Heavenly Father has granted Dad the opportunity to be with me through good times and tough times, and that is a really amazing blessing to have! I love my district, and my zone, we have so much fun together, one of the three districts in the zone reports to the field tomorrow, so that's kind of a bummer. we had a fireside last night that was pretty cool, the man who composed the Hymn "Lord, I would Follow Thee" spoke to us, did you know the last two measures in that Hymn are the first two played backwards??? Class everyday is pretty long, but I often find myself lost in my studies, the gospel is not only true, but it is so interesting, my teachers are amazing RM's who genuinly care about you, the only thing is that they go through so many in the course of a year, it's hard for them to get attached to you. The food here has been so elequantly described as "Manna from Heaven" it'll always be there tomorrow, it is really hard to lose weight and get healthier when it is all you can eat/drink of anything, but I think I am doing pretty well. I guess I'll finish here because it is still 6:54 and my eyes are half closed, so never mind the typos. Never before in my life has there been such a strong testimony that not only the gospel is true, but the work I am about to embark on is also. I truly know what it means to have the Holy Ghost be your CONSTANT COMPANION,

Monday, August 9, 2010


Hey Mom and everybody else! How is everyone? Well, I am having a great time here at the MTC! The first few days here have been long, but at the same time they have flown by, it's really weird, it seems like the outside world just stopped, which is a nice feeling sometimes. My companion is Elder Schmidt from West Valley City, UT, he is a great guy and a fantastic elder, it seems like even though I'm older than him, he has still taught me a lot. My district is great as well, ten out of the eleven elders in my district are going to Kennewick, and the other is going to Phoenix...... so small world huh? Elder Ruettenger is from Gilbert, Elder Brinkle is from Mesa (As as myself), and Elder Bush is from 'Bama, I have had an amazing experience getting to know them and why they are out on a mission. I have been thinking a lot about Dad lately, I can feel him so strongly sometimes. The spirit is one like you would never imagine! The food is great, the teachers are outstanding, and the gospel is true, so pretty much everything here is great! Don't get me wrong, I'm having to work extra hard in my study and my commitment to keep the mission rules, and I can feel the difference when I do. My time is short, and frankly, I don't have much more i can tell you other than i have giant blisters on my feet :( so I think I'll talk to you next monday, can you please post this on my facebook wall? (man do i miss listening to the beatles, and any music in fact, they have a nice bookstore here that has CD's but i didn't bring a player, oh well, I can always sing my heart out (I won't though, because that sounds retarded) alright mom, I love you tons and same with everyone else who might read this.
Love Elder Bates