Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9.28.10 Update

This last week was pretty amazing to say the least, first off, we had the baptism for our investigator Alice Gossett (pictures coming soon I hope) and we found two or three really solid potential investigators, I am loving it here and things are going great, the end of my first transfer (six weeks) is next week, and that is pretty crazy! This story that I want to share is 100% true and is one of the biggest testimony builders I've ever had, enjoy!!
So, last Tuesday night at about 10:15 pm during personal prayers, I had a thought come to my head, it was one of the most clear thoughts I have ever had, It might have well have had it in big Neon Lettering it was that distinct. My thought was that I need to pray for a young couple named Sean and Kayley Patton in our ward (Sean is less-active and Kayley is interested in taking the lessons) I had only met Sean once two weeks before and had never met Kayley, so naturally that thought coming to my head was really strange, I had never prayed for them before. So, I went and told my companion this, and we decided to pray together about it, and that was really neat.... fast forward to Sunday morning before sacrament meeting, Sean's mom comes up to us (like she usually does) and tells us about her week and how she had become a grandma at 12:03 AM Wednesday morning!!! Kayley had givin birth to a baby boy a month early, and she was in labor while I got that prompting! Well I told Sean's mom that and she was blown away, and I was even more. This gospel is true and the Holy Ghost does exist, I have found that promptings like that occur when we are doing what we should like prayer or scripture study.
I promise on my life that it happened just like that!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

09.21.10 Mission News!

Hey there, how are you? I was really happy to hear from you (like i am every week!) Basically, there is nothing new this week, besides our baptism with Alice Gossett on Saturday, that is going to be an AMAZING experience. It has been tough this week, because we can't seem to find anyone to teach, but I have faith that that will change soon, I have had the opportunity to read and study a lot more than lately, and I have had such a wonderful time doing that, this gospel is sooooo deep and interesting to learn about, when you think there isn't much more to learn, you open up a whole new box of goodies. I am loving it here and the great opportunity and experience to be a missionary. on Saturday we had the opportunity to dig a trench for a guy so he can hook up his pipelines from his new house to his trailer. We dug for 2.5 hours, it was 3 feet deep and 10-15 feet long, boy it was sooo fun and you couldn't ask for a better day for it, I got some pretty sweet blisters too! Well, I miss you a lot, and love you even more. keep in touch
Elder Bates

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9/14/10 Another Baptism Date, and some sad news to friends :(

Hey mom, how are you doing today? It's weird to think it is already Pday again, the work here (as any small town would be) is pretty slow, and I feel like I've already knocked on all of the doors! We have been working a lot with a recent convert named John Dunlap, he is 30, and has 3 kids and a wife who is taking the lessons, he is an awesome guy, the time just seems to fly when we are over there, we have looked up at the clock on a few visits and realized we had been there for two hours! So we have been working really hard on that lady Janiss that I mentioned before, and she finally set a date in stone for her baptism, so that is pretty big news. Thank you to everyone who tell me how my awesome UTES are doing, and please continue to send me the Rankings each week!!!! I am focused and dedicated to the work, but it is nice to hear about College Football. The sad news is that The mission president said that we are only to send Email to blood relatives only, so continue to send emails (or regular mail) and I will send you a handwritten letter. in case you don't know my address it is
Elder Nicholas Bates
8656 W. Gage BLVD - STE 205
Kennewick, WA 99336
my address goes through the mission office, so that is the only address you'll ever need, and please if you do Email me (Brent, etc) give me your street address!
I love all of you very much and I am thankful for everyones support.
Elder Bates

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This week went pretty well, We officially have a baptism on the 25th, and our other main investigator is having trouble quitting smoking. Today is P-day and we drove to this amazing place here in Oregon, did a hike and saw awesome waterfalls, it was one of my favorite experiences yet. I'm not sure if there is much more to report.... I did hear that the U of U beat Pitt last week!!!!!!!!!!! (and there was also news about that team down south) The days are slow, but the weeks are fast. I'm sorry I don't have anymore to write, I have been learning A LOT in my personal study, and I know that this is Christ's Church restored to this earth. Thank you all for your letters and support and keep it up :)
Love - Elder Bates

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

8/31/10 First week in Washington! (Goldendale city)

Hey Mom, it is Tuesday Aug, 31. Tuesdays will be the day you hear from me for the next two years. We just got back from the Portland Temple, we get to go there (or the Columbia River Temple based on distance to the temple) every three months, I can't wait to show you the pictures I took there! Holy cow this week has been CRAZY (in a good way ) it is about 75 degrees in Goldendale most days, and it is very windy also, the town is about 3,500 people, and they are really humble. The second night I was here, I was called to give a blessing to a lady who lives 20 miles from civilization in the ward who messed up her knee while trying to move a tree from her dirt driveway in the woods, she has no electricity, and sleeps next to an old wood stove with her 5 dogs. Well, I gave her the blessing, and I got to see her the next day, and she told me to write home to my mom that I took part in a miracle! She was walking again and everything!
     The Goldendale ward is in the "The Dalles Stake" The Dalles is in Oregon, and that is actually where I am now and I will probably send all my emails from, it is a 45 minute drive here, and we go over the Columbia River! My Companion is Elder Borup from Kaysville and he has a huge knowledge and testimony of the gospel, so I am glad I ended up with him. We have had the opportunity to teach this 60 something year old woman named Janiss, she is awesome, but is having a hard time quitting smoking, so if you can keep her in your prayers, that would be great, we actually set a baptisimal goal date with her for Oct 23 I think, but I wouldn't get my hopes up yet, we also have a lady who is starting the lessons tomorrow who has been to church a couple times and has LOVED it, and said she wants to get baptized, her name is Alice, so If all goes well, I could have two baptisms in my first two months, but they still need some help, and that is what we are here for!!
     Sadly, all the mail has to go through the mission home first, which makes it easier for you because you never have to remember a new address, they say it just makes it easier for everybody.
     The members feed us too well, and I need to learn to say no when they offer thirds or fourths (seconds are a given, because this food is waaay to good!) but i think i'm staying in pretty good shape.
I love all of you and have a great week!!!!!!!!!!