Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crazy Cool Week!

Hello there, how in the world is everyone doing? So let me start off by saying, that package got to me safely. Thank you soooo much, I was actually thinking about getting new ties, and I love polyester ties!! You really can never have too many ties in my book, I went to the MTC with 6 and now, after donating some not so great ones to goodwill, I have 35, the most I've seen a missionary have is in the low 60's, but he had been out a long time, so I still can do it haha.

This last week I've had two more "it's a small world after all moments" 1) A lady in the La Center ward was at dinner with us one night, and she was talking about how she lived in Mesa for a while in High School, I asked her where and she said Red Mtn. I asked her if she knew any Bates' and she said she was in a seminary class with Vanesa and thought she might have even been in the same prom group. 2) We were eating a Pre-Easter Dinner at The Brinton family's house in La Center, I told them I was from Mapleton, and she said her cousin Jason Williams and his wife April lives there, and I just about freaked out, It was a neat experience. They are a great family!!

Yesterday was actually one of the best days I've had since I left my first area. The two wards I'm serving in (Maple Grove and La Center) have been pretty cold in the category of converts and retention rate in the last year or longer, but yesterday night, we had a lesson with a part member family (the Lusher's), in which I thought the husband (Dave) was never going to embrace the church. We have been seeing Trisha (wife) on an almost every Monday basis for a while, but a few weeks ago, we asked her to ask her husband to take the lessons, and they both said yes. She has been in-active for 11 years, but feels like now is a great time to change. So we taught about tithing, the Word of Wisdom and Baptism yesterday, and the spirit was just vibrating, I know that they felt it because we asked them and they said it was an overwhelming peace. I couldn't feel my legs or my arms when we walked out, I was (and so was everyone else) on Cloud 9. I love this work and I know that if you prepare, and teach by the spirit, miracles WILL happen. I PROMISE!!
Love Elder Nick Bates

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Another Week in Sunny (not kidding) South-West Washington

This picture is an old run down shack in the back woods of La Center, WA (probably used by teenagers to commit sinful acts).

Hello there! How is everything going back home? This week has flown by, much like this whole transfer no less (Not to mention Mother's Day is coming up. A missionary told me on December 26, that the time in between The Christmas call and the Mother's day one is the quickest time of the year, and I believe it 100%) So, we have been focusing on finding people and talking to everyone on the street that we see, and that has provided for some good success! We have found a couple less actives and people that are genuinely interested.

Funny story (sad too)..... So on Friday, we were walking to our next appointment on the other side of the area, when we see an older lady (50's-60's) she was walking kind of funny, and we ask her how she's doing, and the first thing she says is "I'm smoking pot" It was at this time that I notice a brown bag hanging from her pocket, a lighter in her hand, and a makeshift marijuana pipe made out of an old Shasta cola can. We asked her a couple questions and she says God doesn't love her, and it was at this time that I felt a legitimate love and compassion on that lady.... Maybe we'll never see her again, but hopefully she'll come to the truth one day.

We've been teaching by the spirit and I love it! I especially love talking to the sea of Russians on the south-east part of Battle Ground.

Love Elder Nick Bates

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another Week of Hard Work, and an Awesome Pday Activity!

Hello! How is everything going? I am doing fantastic. So, this last week, we drove a lot (we have 1,300 miles/month) and we taught some great lessons! I really feel like I am in my groove. The spirit is strong, and our investigators can tell. A couple days ago, we were getting into our car for dinner, and some random lady came up to us in a bathrobe and started talking to us. She loved the idea of a church that can uplift and edify her, she didn't come on Sunday, but I have high hopes for her. This morning, we drove to the Columbia Gorge, and we hiked Multnomah Falls (look it up!) And I have a few pictures to show all y'all. I hope you all enjoy, sorry I don't have extra time today. I really love all of you, and I appreciate all that everyone does for me! This church is way true, and I don't want to think of where I'd be without it. Read D&C 121:34-46, I LOVE those scriptures.
Love Elder Nick Bates

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Great Week for Missionary Work!

Hey! How is everyone doing back home? I hope all is well. So, this last week was pretty much awesome! Something happened in which I just lost all fear in talking to people on the streets, and that makes the world of difference! Time really does fly when you are having fun, and the most pure version of that fun is WORK! Last night, we visited a Part member family in which the wife is less active and the husband is a non member, I had seen them a lot lately, and frankly, I was kind of looking down on the situation, but things went better than I ever would have expected! He agreed to Investigate, and they expressed desire to come to church together!!! So pray for Dave and Trisha Lusher. Not much else to report on, besides we watched all five sessions of conference at the Vancouver North Stake center, and as usual I especially loved Elder Nelson's, Elder Bednar's, and Elder Christofferson's talks. They are my favorite three!!! We had dinner with the stake president his name is President Richardson, He grew up in Heber City, and he loved getting bread and stuff at Bates Bakery!!!! Sorry there isn't much more to report on, but I will attach some pictures. by the way, I don't know who all reads this, but I'd love to hear from you!!
Love Elder Nick Bates