Saturday, April 23, 2011

Another Week in Sunny (not kidding) South-West Washington

This picture is an old run down shack in the back woods of La Center, WA (probably used by teenagers to commit sinful acts).

Hello there! How is everything going back home? This week has flown by, much like this whole transfer no less (Not to mention Mother's Day is coming up. A missionary told me on December 26, that the time in between The Christmas call and the Mother's day one is the quickest time of the year, and I believe it 100%) So, we have been focusing on finding people and talking to everyone on the street that we see, and that has provided for some good success! We have found a couple less actives and people that are genuinely interested.

Funny story (sad too)..... So on Friday, we were walking to our next appointment on the other side of the area, when we see an older lady (50's-60's) she was walking kind of funny, and we ask her how she's doing, and the first thing she says is "I'm smoking pot" It was at this time that I notice a brown bag hanging from her pocket, a lighter in her hand, and a makeshift marijuana pipe made out of an old Shasta cola can. We asked her a couple questions and she says God doesn't love her, and it was at this time that I felt a legitimate love and compassion on that lady.... Maybe we'll never see her again, but hopefully she'll come to the truth one day.

We've been teaching by the spirit and I love it! I especially love talking to the sea of Russians on the south-east part of Battle Ground.

Love Elder Nick Bates

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