Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Transfer Week Again

1. This is me and my new (former as well) Zone Leader Elder Olsen back in December at the Portland, Temple

2. A Little Kid in the Maple Grove ward wanted me to wear this, so I put my name tag on it.

Hello everyone. What is up? So, this last week was pretty same old same old, we have been teaching with the spirit, it has been raining a lot, and members are feeding us way too much. So pretty much, This last week has been pretty close to the same as my last four plus months here in Vancouver. Six weeks are up, and we get the transfer notices on Monday, and the actual transfers are on Wednesday, but the good thing is, both of us are staying in the Maple Grove and La Center wards. At the end of this transfer I will have been in MG for nearly 6 months and LC for 3. Time really flies when you love the work, love the people, and love your companion. There is nothing better than enjoying what you do everyday. The west side of the mission (where I've spent my whole mission) is always known as the lesser productive side in terms of baptisms, but when you do get them, the converts are in it to win it! I love it here and would not mind spending my whole mission on this side. So we found out yesterday that the Zone Leaders in our Zone are being doubled out (both leaving) Elder Baker is going home to Orange County, CA and Elder Eli Johnson is spending his last six weeks in Walla Walla, BUT one of the new ZLs is also my first ZL back in my old zone, Elder John Olsen from Woods Cross, UT he is literally the coolest guy ever (besides everyone back home of course), and I jumped for joy when I found out. It is crazy how many relationships you build on your mission.
Last night, the Lusher's invited us to dinner, and a lesson. The dinner was good, and the lesson was even better, He (Dave) is golden, and we just need to keep working with him, and great things will happen for him and his family! I love this work, I love the spirit, I love that Osama is dead, and I love all of you.
Elder Nick Bates

Oh, and to answer your question, we have Sunday meetings from 8 Am to 4 PM, so I'll probably call at about 6 PM ( 7 for you.)


  1. Nick Bates you are one of the best ! David Marroquin , I was in your zone as well , I was in La Center as well !

  2. I hope one day you have the chance to talk to me again

  3. I'm living in Cypress , TX , now .
